Healthcare Enterprise Analytics Start-Up PX Nordic Focuses On The Problem Of Elderly Fall


MALMÖ, SWEDEN – 16 March 2017 – PX Nordic Enterprise Movement Analytics company founded by Swedish entrepreneur André Ung launches the Senseneering™ (Sense by Engineering) platform. Senseneering has been developed as a solution as service offering consisting of wearable technology and methods that help identify people at risk of fall.

The problem of elderly fall affects one out of three people over the age of 65 globally. In 2015, this generated costs to healthcare and social infrastructure in the order of $31 Billion in direct Medicare costs in the US alone. The current focus of a number of companies is on fall detection and alarm systems. The Senseneering platform assists in decision support to aid in fall prevention. PX Nordic’s technology innovation shall be made available at select pilot hospitals and healthcare institutions.

It has been known for some time that movement is important for overall health and well-being of the elderly. PX Nordic’s core team includes Dr. Anita Sant’ Anna of the Center for Aware Intelligent Systems Research at Halmstad University, a leading expert in wearable sensors, human motion analysis and e-health. “We have made available a very informative white paper on the PX Nordic website entitled Risk Based Analytics and Senseneering where we discuss how and why movement matters.”

PX Nordic technology is unique as it leverages cost-effective sensor technology and algorithms coupled with advanced signal processing. Researchers at Hälsoteknikcentrum Halland and PX Nordic have begun testing Senseneering. “From our initial comparison study between 3D high speed motion capture cameras and PX Nordic sensor technology, we are seeing very positive results which we shall validate further.” As Dr. Lina Lundgren at Hälsoteknikcentrum Halland further explains, “human movement data from Senseneering technology is relevant because 3D motion capture is currently expensive and limited in range. Although the data from motion capture is accurate, measurements are limited to the cameras’ field of view. Being able to monitor human movement in less constrained environments is useful for many different applications.”

PX Nordic received an undisclosed initial funding from angel investors who realized the value of PX Nordic movement technology. This enables the company to undertake an intelligent go-to-market strategy. “Sweden has a long tradition of e-health innovation. PX Nordic team and approach is unique. Imagine the possibilities and impact to people in terms of preventing costly and even deadly falls,” says one of PX Nordic’s angel investors Mr. Sorapon Vongvadhanaroj from Thailand.

About PX Nordic

PX Nordic is a leading health technology company based in Malmo Sweden. PX Nordic has developed wearable sensing technology and proprietary methodologies that can help healthcare institutions and clinicians identify people at risk of fall. PX Nordic team consists of engineers, health science researchers, movement and motion analysis experts and healthcare professionals with deep experience in machine learning, sensors / embedded systems, healthcare and elderly fall prevention.