PX Nordic’s Senseneering (TM) technology in EU Funded Osteoarthritis Study Presents Initial Findings at EULAR Conference Madrid Spain


June 12, 2019 – EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) Congress a leading conference of Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal diseases featured an abstract poster submission of the consortium team of researchers led by Emma Haglund and Dr. Anita Sant’ Anna. PX Nordic’s Senseneering technology is the sole gait and movement analytics technology provider for this multi-year EU funded longitudinal study. The submission is entitled Dynamic Joint Stability Measured as Gait Symmetry in people with Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis. Dr. Anita Sant’ Anna summarizes the initial finding as follows,

“Our study points to value of instrumented gait analysis in assessing knee pain (symptomatic knee arthritis). We have shown that knee pain has a measurable effect on gait symmetry and that unilateral pain differs from bilateral pain in that respect. This longitudinal study will observe how gait parameters change over time for this patient group in order to determine how best to use this information in making clinical decisions.”

Read more at EULAR