

Our Corporate Founders are seasoned professionals from multi-disciplinary areas (engineering / computer science / medical research / healthcare / distributed technologies) with diverse professional work experiences. Individually, our founders have broad problem solving capabilities and experiences. Collectively, they share a common approach having the USER squarely in mind at each stage of our process – strategy, design, execution and delivery.

Living in the Nordic regions, we share through education, training, experience and cultural immersion in the following Nordic values and attitudes:
– Simplicity
– Innovation
– Common Good
– Smart User-Centric Design

PXN’s birthplace is Sweden. Home of great and meaningful innovations like the Pacemaker, Hemodialysis/Dialysis machines, GPS (Global Position Systems), dynamite and ubiquitous technologies like Skype. These innovations had been made possible by inventors who have thought outside the box. They have allowed themselves to cross multiple disciples and allowed cognitive collisions amongst diverse thinkers and doers.

Like many Swedish innovators, we also have decided to solve a problem and we are laser-focused to make a difference to society as a whole.

We share not only real diversity in our ethnicities, training and background but also cognitive diversity and the Swedish/Nordic innovation mindset. This allows PXN to develop break-through technologies which can have a real impact to individuals and society.

Our strength and core is technology, but we strive to provide an essential and important solution to a problem which we believe will persist for a long time and needs to be addressed and alleviated – elderly fall.