Gait Analysis as a Service

Senseneering™ – A platform for assessing human movement

Gait is an important marker of current health and well-being as well as a powerful predictor of cognitive decline. Movement matters and Senseneering™ can assist when it matters.

Making every tread count
Senseneering™ is a complete, comprehensive and user-centric platform which focuses on movement information and enterprise analytics.Our philosophy is to provide a solution that is simple and effective. Senseneering takes advantage of the prevailing trend of reduced cost of sensor technology, increase in connectedness of distributed network and the broader adaption of “quantified self”.We coined the term “Senseneering” as it is a real and actual collaboration between human and technological innovation.Our founders, team, mindset, approach and technology backgrounds position us well to make sense of the human condition and improve and enhance his/her wellbeing. We can make sense, add value and have measurable impact through technology and engineering innovations.

In essence, Senseneering is “Sense by Engineering.”
Our strength lies in our ability to work with vast amounts of sensory data. We process and present it into actionable analytics. This represents a real and more meaningful feedback loop. Our platform improves the quality of care and overall wellness of individuals and target at-risk groups we serve.Leveraging proprietary technologies and methods, Senseneering is a complete solution consisting of data collection, cloud storage, big data analytics and critical feedback loops.We strive to offer a robust solution which is flexible, extensible, open and readily- integrated to the care delivery information network.

See Senseneering™ in action with our Gait Analysis as a Service

Assessment of Gait, Mobility and Balance forms part of more comprehensive assessments into elderly fall risk and Sensenering combines performance testing and merges this qualitative critical decision support information with Medical assessments to provide Clinical decision makers the right information to assist in individual treatment plans, interventions and rehabilitation.

Mobility and performance testing varies in a number of healthcare scenarios. Senseneering™ enabled performance testing includes standard clinically accepted tests but can be optimized and customized to a number of other mobility or functional testing environments and scenarios.

6 min walk test icon
6 min walk test – Senseneering is used in the 6 minute walk test (6MWT) to assess aerobic capacity and endurance.

Timed up and go test icon
Time up and go test – The Senseneering™ platform powers several simple, quick and widely accepted clinical performance-based tests such as the Time Up and Go Test (TUG) which measures lower extremity function, mobility and fall risk.

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Berg Balance test – It shall also power and test person’s static and dynamic balance abilities in widely used clinical test called the Berg Balance test.

Walk test

Our sensors, algorithms and technology platform are purpose-built to help clinical decision-makers make more informed decisions and treatment plans to improve outcomes, reducing risk, streamlining healthcare costs and improving quality if life.

Senseneering™ enabled gait analysis as a service matters as large at risk populations can benefit from quantitative gait analysis.

Geriatric/ Elderly Fall, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Orthopedic and Rehabilitation